I think that the most representational piece between figures 42 and figures 43 is is 42 by a long shot. It just looks more traditional in a since. The Natives are all sitting around looks as if they are listening to that speak. Now the auther says that very rarely we can find the same event made from the sam point of view of two diffrenet cultures....but in my opion John Taylor's images are much more detailed.
Now whe you ask the question who's is the most abstract I would have to go with figure 43. Howling Wolf used alot more colors where as Taylor used none.Figure 43 seems more on the chidish side of art which was better for me because I could see what was going on in picture,which I think that is what he was tring to do.
Taylor's piece was alot more detailed, but Wolf's caught my eye because of the colors and the figures in the air that really caught my attetntion.Taylo's work seemed more on the traditional side of art but not Howling Wolf's work.
Toylor's work has the perseption of going towards the back but Wolf's work has none that I can see. In class you (Candace) taught us about perseptions from the U.S.A. and China so I noticed that Taylor's fit in the U.S.A. format but Wolf's fit no format that we have talked about yet.
The two artist show the same thing from dinferrent point of views.Taylor shows from the White Mans perspective but Wolf shows it from the Native aspect, and they are clearly shown in there art.I also think that it shows great diffrence in how the artist depicts there space,It also shows the diffrences in the two seperate cultures aswell.Like Taylor's work makes you look to center of the page where as Wolf's you don't.To me it suggest that Taylor had some type of trainning or that is how Wolf looked at his people.
Taylor, in my opion, looked at them kind of the same way.I mean that as he looked at them as a group.A whole, like one.It is ethnocentric because it is accurate. It is like a photograph of the images that he saw.
In my closing it was a really big thing that I noticed,Taylor'spicture has no women but Wolf's has women helpping. So I thaught that maybe in Taylor's culter when are not equal but in Wolf's they are helpers.
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